Based on
- 16-inch 2023 MacBook Pro
- Apple M2 Max
- 32 GB RAM
- Magic Keyboard
- Magic Trackpad
- iPhone 13
- Arctis Nova 7X Wireless
macOS 15 Sequoia
ZSH (dotfiles )
- aerc A pretty good email client
- aria2 Download utility
- bat A cat(1) clone with wings
- bottom Process/system monitor
- csview High performance csv viewer for cli
- difftastic A structural diff that understands syntax
- dust A more intuitive version of du in rust
- eza A modern, maintained replacement for ls
- mise Polyglot tool version manager. It replaces tools like asdf, nvm, pyenv, rbenv, etc.
- lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands
- glow Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- helix A post-modern text editor
- newsboat RSS/Atom feed reader
- oh my zsh
- ouch Painless compression and decompression in the terminal
- reader A lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages on the cli
- starship The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- toot toot is a cli and tui tool for interacting with mastodon instances
- tz CLI time zone visualizer
- yazi Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
- zoxide A smarter cd command
- 16-inch 2023 MacBook Pro
- Apple M2 Max
- 32 GB RAM
- Magic Keyboard
- Magic Trackpad
- iPhone X
- Arctis Nova 7X Wireless
macOS 14 Sonoma
- aria2 : Download utility
- bat A cat(1) clone with wings
- bottom : Process/system monitor
- difftastic : A structural diff that understands syntax
- dust A more intuitive version of du in rust
- eza A modern, maintained replacement for ls
fnm : Fast and simple node.js version manager, built in rust- mise : Polyglot tool version manager. It replaces tools like asdf, nvm, pyenv, rbenv, etc.
gitui Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🦀- lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands
- glow Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- helix A post-modern text editor
- newsboat : RSS/Atom feed reader
- oh my zsh
- ouch Painless compression and decompression in the terminal
- pngquant A command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images
- reader : A lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages on the cli
- starship : The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- toot : toot is a cli and tui tool for interacting with mastodon instances
- tz CLI time zone visualizer
- yazi Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
- zoxide : A smarter cd command
- 16-inch 2023 MacBook Pro
- Apple M2 Max
- 32 GB RAM
- Magic Keyboard
- Magic Trackpad
- iPhone X
- Arctis Nova 7X Wireless
macOS 14 Sonoma
- 1Blocker
- AppCleaner
- Arq
- Firefox
- Forecast
- Google Chrome
- ImageOptim
- Kaleidoscope
- Logic Pro
- Pixelmator Pro
- StopTheMadness
- Sublime Merge
- Sublime Text
- WezTerm
- WireGuard
- aria2 : download utility
- bottom : process/system monitor
- difftastic : a structural diff that understands syntax
- fnm : fast and simple node.js version manager, built in rust
- newsboat : rss/atom feed reader
- oh my zsh
- reader : a lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages on the cli
- starship : the minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
- toot : toot is a cli and tui tool for interacting with mastodon instances
- zoxide : a smarter cd command. supports all major shells
- 15" MacBook Pro (2016)
- Magic Keyboard
- Magic Trackpad
- iPhone X
- Bose Sport Open Earbuds
- 1Blocker
- AppCleaner
- Arq
- Auphonic Leveler
- Final Cut Pro
- Firefox
- Forecast
- Google Chrome
- ImageOptim
- iZotope RX 10
- Kaleidoscope
- Logic Pro
- Pixelmator Pro
- StopTheMadness
- Sublime Merge
- Sublime Text
- Transmit
- WireGuard